
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bride Wars (2009)

Two best friends anticipate their own wedding from the age of 7, and been dreaming about it ever since, carefully planning and following the trends. One of them a teacher, quit, always let someone else to lead, and the other, strict, never backs down, determent, leader. Accidentally they both end up with the same date for their wedding, and their problems begin. They start to trick and back stab one another. The quiet one becomes fighter, cruel, and more aware of her submissiveness, which becomes a problem for her fiancée, and the other one, looses her compass, but finds it with her soon husband to be. Everything turns upside and down, and in order for everything to get back to normal, there has to be like in every story, break down, followed by fight between the two best friends on their wedding day, and then realization or admitting of each others fault, repenting for their foolishness. All ends up like it supposed to.   


One of the hideous movies ever! I haven’t seen such a bad film, but this one goes to the charts:)) I dig the story, about finding the beauty from with in, but honestly, who wrote the script?! Who choose the actors?! Horrible producing! I wouldn’t recommend this movie not even to Golden Raspberry award. That is all what I have to say about this “peace of art”.