
Friday, July 27, 2018


This could be the second or the third time for me watching this movie, and then it occurred to me that it’s been years since I put my thought at this blog of mine. So here it is:

The idea is genius, I like it from the beginning to the end. The soul thought of something that can be initiated to someone else via mind manipulation is ancient from the time humans could think, but put it in a very creative way like this on the screen is even more exciting. I was expecting a twist at the end, to tell you the truth. I was hoping that the character of Cobb would trick Saito at the end that it was still some way of tricking him into reviling his company secrets, but this was ok ending to. 

The details when they sink deeper and deeper from one dream, to the next was super, especially the van flying moments parallel with the hotel scene with no gravity effect. Like the one idea is fully transferred in the next dream. Although I would expect the same outcome even in the third dream. But I assume that it would be difficult to film that.
 And especially I liked the last scene with the kids, when he rolled the humming top, basically telling us that the all movie was Cobb’s own dream. That he didn’t even woke up from it the all time. Which imposes the question did he even had a wife? Or did he even have children? Was Mal just a structure in his own design?
In my humbled opinion I would think that everybody will contemplate or sense the movie of its own way. And will get a different message then I. Take a breath and see if the world you created for yourself is real or not? Or is it just a figment of your deeper inner self?