
Monday, February 28, 2011

Love and other drugs

All and all the movie was great. I love the team (J.G and A.H.), good tandem. The start was comic and promising, young and smart salesman is trying to become the best REP there is, maneuvers are shown, in the business trough his greatest way possible, charming females. Someway along the way he falls in love with this awesome girl who doesn’t want to have serious relationship because she has Parkinson’s. Funny and sweet, and like all movies, he is afraid to that kind of commitment, taking care of a sick girl, who will release him of his “duty”. So far I liked it, but just before the end there was a scene of “emotions” and by my humble opinion, Jake u kind of ruined it! Maybe because of the script, or his “too muchness”, it was cheese for my taste, Ann on the other hand was more natural in that same scene. He had to do the great gesture and follow her bus with a car, to win her back….cheese dialog follows. Girls go ahead and see the movie, heyy it’s got some pretty nude Jake scenes.  ;))

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Illusionist (2010)

French animation, great graphic and superb story. A performer is out of work, and in that search he meets a young girl, who will be as a good luck charm for him. From the moment that she follows him, he, from that point on, is trying everything to satisfy her needs, and puts her needs in front of his. That being the case, his life starts to get a bit of mining, he is working and performing just the same as before, but this time to indulge his pet, who reminds him of his long lost daughter. At the end he does the exact same thing as I supposed he did before, he starts to feel big and great, and forget the primal feeling of giving and caring. The young girl, of course drifters apart, and looks attention somewhere else, while he, “the great illusionist” a shamed leaves again with the same emptiness in his heart, as I supposed he had while leaving his own daughter.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

127 Hours

Every story based on a true story is rated high, it’s because of the real effect that happened and possibility that the same thing could’ve happened 2 u 2.
Great footage, excellent panorama, I was amazed from the beautiful landscapes. I like the way the director caught and transferred Aron’s thoughts from his happy days of the past, and all the little things that he neglected and took for granted. Most of all I like Aron’s persistence and innovations of how to stay alive, to the ultimate solution to cut off his own hand, and safe himself. Excellent movie!

Serenity (2005)

Cute si-fi movie from 2005, with ok story, there are occasional cheesy comments in it, other than that…it will do. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Tourist

New film with Jolie and Depp, actually it is a copy from a French cinematography, a movie by the name of Anthony Zimmer (2005). With the slight difference, the American version sucks!!! Where do I start?! The performance was utterly senseless. Amateur acting, zero connection and artificial passion between the main characters! The outfit, or the gala dresses which are supposed to make as all just “wow” when you see her in it, are too pompous and not attractive at all. When she’s entering to bowl, everybody just starts staring at her …yeah it’s too much cartoon like than realistic. There is no gracefulness in her moves and walk, it’s supposed to be natural, and she is trying too hard. You are not Sophie Marceau!
And J.Depp, don’t even correspond with the character, I don’t see it, he is totally wrong 4 that part. Sorry man, better stay on Caribbean’s!
Anybody who watches “The tourist” should at least watch the original, “Anthony Zimmer” as well. My honest opinion :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Black Swan

Now there is a movie u all should see, It's been a while since I've seen a good tension in  movie, and believe u me, this is a pretty intense one. Was a little skeptic at the beginning, but Natalie Portman pulled it off.
Extraordinary performance of Natalie Portman, she captures the tension and the pressure of prima ballerina, and of any passion for that mater. As the movie rolls, the pressure of the shy ballerina grows, sexual relive started from her director..and goes on with one of her co-dancers. .....The lack of sexual activity comes to the surface, from the moment she is chosen to lead the play. Beginning with her director, through her competition played by Mila Kunis, all driven by her strict mother and all childhood regime. She rapidly begins to lose her mind, and on moments hallucinates, about possible scenarios. In that race, she transforms herself from white swan into black swan, as the role that was given to her, showing the true character that was hidden inside her the hall time. Basically, the every woman character when found in an enormous pressure, unpredictable, scary and beautiful at the same time. U should see this peace for sure!