
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Black Swan

Now there is a movie u all should see, It's been a while since I've seen a good tension in  movie, and believe u me, this is a pretty intense one. Was a little skeptic at the beginning, but Natalie Portman pulled it off.
Extraordinary performance of Natalie Portman, she captures the tension and the pressure of prima ballerina, and of any passion for that mater. As the movie rolls, the pressure of the shy ballerina grows, sexual relive started from her director..and goes on with one of her co-dancers. .....The lack of sexual activity comes to the surface, from the moment she is chosen to lead the play. Beginning with her director, through her competition played by Mila Kunis, all driven by her strict mother and all childhood regime. She rapidly begins to lose her mind, and on moments hallucinates, about possible scenarios. In that race, she transforms herself from white swan into black swan, as the role that was given to her, showing the true character that was hidden inside her the hall time. Basically, the every woman character when found in an enormous pressure, unpredictable, scary and beautiful at the same time. U should see this peace for sure! 

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