
Friday, June 17, 2011

Paul (2011)

Si-fi comedy, about the pop culture icon “alien”, seen true the eyes of two English comic writers, who are on the journey of their life via USA J on that road trip, they met the real alien Paul, who is completely not what it seems. Speaks English, naturally, smokes weed every day, curses, changes opinion to strict religious girls by showing them what “really happened”, etc….in one word, normal. While running from the bad FBI, he Paul shows the two Englishman the way of success. Relaxing film.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Eat Pray Love

A story about a woman, who is taking a trip around the world, trip of her life, of finding herself. On that trip she learns to enjoy life as it is the basic elements of how to be happy. First through food, the all ritual of dining and enjoying with friends, relaxing and not worrying about the next day, just the moment with the people you’re with. Second, the way of forgiving yourself through praying, the actual sense of the pray, learning and accepting your mistakes and moving on. And the third, and most important element of all, Love. To find a way, and the how, to love with all your being, and with all that flame inside your soul. It’s a message for all people, how to live life at its full potential, without thinking and moralizing to much. You don’t have to go around the world, to find happiness, you just have to let go, and turn around. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

True Grit (2010)

An old story, a remake actually, to tell you the truth I haven’t seen the original, but this version is awesome. Especially the acting, wonderful! From Bridges, this is the main character, through the essential character of the film, H. Steinfield. Young girl, who undertake the burden of revenging her father, by paying the notorious bounty hunter, to kill the man involved into her father's murder, indulges into adventure of her life. Stubborn as she is, she decides to go with him and a young marshal on that capture. On that trip, a life time friendship occurs, cold man’s heart soften, and near death experience outlived. This is a must see movie! Great performance!  

Just go with it (2011)

Romantic comedy, with great group of actors, the idea is little surreal, but however catchy. Revelation in young doctors mind about how to gain woman and never attaches to any of them, after hearing his almost future wife confession of adultery. Twenty years later, now confident plastic sergeant, still single with the same story, about being married and having marital problems, and with the only person knowing, all his schemes, his assistant, which will be at some point his best wingman (wing-women). He finally meets person with whom he want to spend the rest of his life, but because of the wedding ring, he is again put in the situation of lying about being married, involving his divorced assistant with two kids into the big lye. There is a trip to Hawaii involved where instead of making things easier for him to get the girl, without becoming the assholl with the stupid story, he feels in love with his assistant. Comic scenes are all over the movie, with makes it even more loveable to watch. :D   

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Last night 2010

Very good idea, especially the fact, that one female hunch sets things in motion, and the end, ohh you’re going to love it. Married couple finds themselves on a party, where the wife senses the chemistry between her husband and his coworker. She pointes it out, and the very next day, he goes on a business trip with the same coworker, and the wife stays at home, where she meets her ex flame from France, with whom she spends the entire evening, without adultery, because she truly believes that her husband will never do what her mind predicted last night. The husband on the other hand, was provoked by his wife’s idea, which was right, even though struggling all night long, eventually his “just a men” side prevails, and he sleeps with the sexy female colleague. The morning comes, and the wife comes home, leaving her sexy shoes right on the dining room floor. The husband flies back home, immediately, field with guilt. The meeting point was poetic, he enters the door, looks at his wife, which is crying, they hug, they both apologize for their behavior, and lye to each other, and then he notice’s the shoes….