
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Eat Pray Love

A story about a woman, who is taking a trip around the world, trip of her life, of finding herself. On that trip she learns to enjoy life as it is the basic elements of how to be happy. First through food, the all ritual of dining and enjoying with friends, relaxing and not worrying about the next day, just the moment with the people you’re with. Second, the way of forgiving yourself through praying, the actual sense of the pray, learning and accepting your mistakes and moving on. And the third, and most important element of all, Love. To find a way, and the how, to love with all your being, and with all that flame inside your soul. It’s a message for all people, how to live life at its full potential, without thinking and moralizing to much. You don’t have to go around the world, to find happiness, you just have to let go, and turn around. 

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