
Monday, July 11, 2011

The ugly truth (2009)

Typical chic movie! Not much of acting, but it will do when you don’t have anything better to do. Comic scenes are natural for romantic movie such as this. He enters to get the ratings in the TV station, as a love guru, and she as a single dedicated director of that show, at first skeptic, but then in search for the right man for her, using his advise. Someway on the way, they connect and develop passion and love for each other. 

Love me if you dare (Jeux d'enfants)

All the European movies are some how more artistically shown, this one is not exception. I find the story a bit not realistic, but believable at the same time. Showing the everlasting passion and Love of two people who were there for each other ever since they were kids. The “dare game” makes it even more adorable, and somehow infantile and makes you expect the cohesion to occur at the end, witch it did, and at the most poetic way possible. The two souls even thou always in love with each other, they never seems to find the right time to actually be together, to be one. At the very end, the poetic that I mentioned, they cement themselves to preserve their Love.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Excellent animation about blue macaw, which will fulfill his tradition, and obligation as a parrot that should be in the firs place, and not some Minnesota home bird which didn’t had the time to learn to fly. Taken to Rio, as the only male specimen just to obtain the blood line of that beautiful specie, he will actually reconnect with his home again and find true love. New friends and danger will also make him realize that he is a bird that can fly, and that acceptance will make him a real flying parrot. Compliments to the details of graphics, hear especially. 

Rango (2011)

Animation witch is great to watch, the graphics is great, and all elements are carefully thought true. Western stile animation with bugs and lizards involved, and that puts the story on the top charts. Chameleon, who gives himself a name Rango, a liar who accidentally gets sheriff’s badge and helps the city called Dirt, to see through the lie of its mayor, and bring their salvation, the water, finally getting the epithet hero. This time for real! Stages of acknowledgment for its own nothingness are processing, only to rise up as a true “gentlelizard” and savior of Dirt, fighting the most vicious criminals, using his brain. 

Heatbreaker (2010)

French romantic comedy, with excellent shoots and artistic touch, about a handsome couple’s breaker, who on his mission falls in love with his mark. Relaxing movie, great cast, cute story. Alex Lippi is hired to break down a wedding, in just four weeks. Doing so, because of the difficulty of the mark, a women by the name of Juliette Van Der Becq, he is forced to go beyond limits, do out of ordinary ways of seduction, and someway on that mission he falls in love in the girl. Like all romantic comedies this is not an exception, she finds out, he refuses the money, than she finds that out to, call the wedding off, and runs to find her true love. They meet half way, bout running toward each other, one from the wedding, the other to the wedding, hugging and kissing, they put an end to the movie. 

The Adjustment Biro (2011)

You have to love the ultimate spiritus movens, love. The true power witch drives as all to fight. Relinquish all for in the name of love, even if that means never to be with that person again. At the end, it all comes down to how much are you willing to sacrifice for the one that you love, the one that completes you?! This film, transfers this message, through si-fi biro, (people with heats), which is set on the way of “adjusting” the way “destiny” is supposed to be. Fixing the life of two people who are obviously maid for each other, not to be together, for the “greater” good, because it was not in the plan! Only to be powerless, the Biro I mean, when they, the couple sacrifice their own life for each other’s.