
Monday, July 4, 2011

The Adjustment Biro (2011)

You have to love the ultimate spiritus movens, love. The true power witch drives as all to fight. Relinquish all for in the name of love, even if that means never to be with that person again. At the end, it all comes down to how much are you willing to sacrifice for the one that you love, the one that completes you?! This film, transfers this message, through si-fi biro, (people with heats), which is set on the way of “adjusting” the way “destiny” is supposed to be. Fixing the life of two people who are obviously maid for each other, not to be together, for the “greater” good, because it was not in the plan! Only to be powerless, the Biro I mean, when they, the couple sacrifice their own life for each other’s.    

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