
Friday, September 16, 2011

X-man First Class

The beginning of the X-man movies, I like that they gave a “how it all started” version of the X-man. I am a sucker for good Sci-Fi, this is one of those. I enjoyed it every second of it, especially the fact that the producer opened a door, to a whole new series of sequels to be made after. Charles Xavier’s and Magneto’s friendship was established as one of the strongest links, in cause against Sebastian Shaw, in acknowledgment for the government, where as an idea the X-man school was born. But when all things come towards the end, Magneto starts to see Shaw’s way of thinking as a better alternative; mutants unite against normal humans, and not as their protectors. That is when they separate from each other and become from that moment on biggest rivals that the man kind is yet to see. Xavier couldn’t heal Erik Lehnsherr’s (Magneto’s known name at that time) heart, from all the bad things that happened to him while he was a boy in Nazi’s camp, the very place where he meets for the firs time Shaw. That’s why as the time passes his vengeance grows, and later when he meets Xavier he decides to join his group of extraordinary people just to get closer to the man he yearns to kill. 

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