
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bridesmaids (2011)

Film which transfers the “rising up again” concept, showing us a woman in her late 30-ies, struggling to get her life back around. Her best friend’s engagement and preparation will set her of track a bit, she will have a break down, or as they putted in the movie, she will hit bottom. The fact that she’s supposed to be the main maid of honor will only accelerate her “bottomness”, or recovery. She, after loosing all of her money in cake business and boyfriend at the same time, is barely living a satisfactory life. Her income now is from a job that her mom found for her, which is just to pay rent, her “lover” is a dick which uses her only for his good time, and she knows it, but is just in the faze of accepting her misery. So she keeps hoping that his idiotic behavior is because they agree on some “terms” about their non obligation relationship, and finds it excusable. Moreover there comes long a cute policeman, who finds her great just the way she is, and because of her wrong momentarily perspective of life, drives him away. On top of all that, there is a threat from this other bridesmaid, who is new figure in her bff’s live, to loose the “first” place in the heart of the only stable person that she knows, her now engaged friend. The other woman just drives her crazy, and actually she is the catalyst of her reaching the bottom stage. With all the bridesmaids activities and plannings she, the other woman always wins, partly because she is rich and knows people, and mostly because she is doing it on purpose, to make our heroine look bad. You have to reach lowest point of life, loose your self-esteem and then start again, fresh. You need to get over the changes, and in the process you have to try not to demoralize to the point of not even liking yourself. That's this story, bridesmaids were the one that made her feel bad, but actually they were the ones that made her realize the everyday straggle in live, and acceptance of change during it. 

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