
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Friends with benefits (2011)

It looks like they made the movie just to promote J.T. and to show his “actor” skills. I guess he is one of Americas multi-talented individuals :)) with every movie he gets better and better, and get bigger and bigger roles :))) Read the title and you don’t need any explanation. I am a fan of easy movies, the ones you can watch with your boyfriend/girlfriend and not involving to much thinking. Man and woman meet, become friends, good company, decide to become sex buddies on accessions, fall in love, of course there is a scene where she gets mad at him, and then he realizes that she was the one all along :DD  a grand come back, involving dancers, honest acknowledgment of his love and stupidity…bla bal babalal…it finishes with hug and kiss scene. I admit, that it is a cute movie, and that I’ve seen worst acting from “professional” actors, so I’ll give it a chance ;)

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