
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Leap Year

Romantic Comedy, which is my favorite genre. This movie shows precise and strict girl in all aspects of her life, except when it’s a matter of her boyfriend the promising doctor marriage proposal. She decides to go and surprise him in Ireland where he’s been invited on doctors’ convention so that she would propose him, and continue the family tradition that’s been past on since her grandmother. And the reason she decides to do that is because it’s a leap year, and only on that very special day 29-th of February would she is able to that. Normally there is a storm, and she ends up in a godforsaken place in Ireland, where she meets Declan with whom she feels in love at the end. Sweet and comic moments, great landscapes, for those of you who are romantic in souls, this is the film for U.:)

London Boulevard (2010)

I love the way William Monahan’s mind transfers on big screen. This English movie is great. Ok, it’s not the newest story, but the group of actors was superb. Keira Knightley and Collin Farell made the movie even more lovable. He just got off a prison, and wants to get it clean this time, a new honest life, without crime involved. As referred to, he starts to work for this female star, constantly by the eyes of paparazzi, which will fall for him, and like every good story they’ll end up together. Although he is trying not to get involved into criminal activity, the criminal activity involves him. Tragic end, or poetic as you will, he ends up murdered by the same kid that he earlier decided to let live. Excellent film, you all, and especially for C.Farell fans.:DD

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Blind Side (2009)

Sandra Bullock nailed it! Amazing and touching story of a caring woman from the south, who will put her kindness and love, just to safe black “not so bright” boy’s life. She will help him to find and fulfill his true potential, football, the thing that he is extremely good at. And by helping him, she helps herself too. 

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Great relaxing and comic movie, about how to get to a girls heart, shown through video game scenes (mame 32)J) Heart brooked guitar player started to date a high school girl, just to feel better about himself, cozz this age of girl is incapable of leaving him, she will just admire his multi talents. The suddenly he meets the girl of his dreams, but there is a problem, in order to get to her, he must fight with “league of ex’s”. One by one he overcomes all the obstacles in front of him, and conquest the girl of his dreams. Basically if you want something, you have to fight for it! 

Prince of Persia (2010)

I just like stories from the ancient past, so this one is like that. Very lovable story, about courageous young boy who will capture the heart of the king, and will be taken into the family, to live and learn as one of the royalty. The look into the future that the king had, while taking this boy and opening the door to a new chapter will at the end be seen as the right move. The same boy will turn out to be the savor of his father’s throne, or brother’s at this case. The gratitude and the sincerity of the abundant boy, who was thought the same family values like the other kings sons, will make him worthy and equal prince as the rest. There is a love story following the firs one as well, and of course at the end all will be as it was destined to be. The moral of this story is that a man is nothing without a family, and for no reason at all is he supposed to trough that away. You can have all the money and power in the world, but family is the only true thing that makes it all worth it. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

An Education

Great English movie, and above all educationalJ) Young girl, very smart one, falls in love with a charming older man, and from being the most promising girl in school, she ends up dropping the school. Suddenly she founds herself in a new adventure, all the great parties, exhibitions, theaters, operas etc. living the very essence of life, the same life as from the books she learns about it. And that sweet taste of the rush of life, it may all seems magical at the time, but eventually that same magic will fall on her head. She will make the biggest mistake of her life when dropping of school, for marriage, and after she realizes there will be no turning back.
Moral story for all the girls, open up your eyes, and don’t forget the real meaning of life…as the women’s greatest asset is an education, and not a fancy clothes, or car….

Mr. Nobody

Ok, this could be the greatest movie idea that I’ve seen for a while. The oldest man in the future introduces us with the story of his life, and from the tale it looks as he is suffering from dementia, but actually he is just reminding us that every action has it one reaction in the future, and how that precise detail will affect your way of life. The basic truth about the significance of all our moves in life, and decisions that we make, willingly or under pressure, which could lead us to a different life. It actually reminds us that we are in charge of our own life and the path we decide to take, hard or easy, it is always chosen or predetermine by OUR choices.