
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Prince of Persia (2010)

I just like stories from the ancient past, so this one is like that. Very lovable story, about courageous young boy who will capture the heart of the king, and will be taken into the family, to live and learn as one of the royalty. The look into the future that the king had, while taking this boy and opening the door to a new chapter will at the end be seen as the right move. The same boy will turn out to be the savor of his father’s throne, or brother’s at this case. The gratitude and the sincerity of the abundant boy, who was thought the same family values like the other kings sons, will make him worthy and equal prince as the rest. There is a love story following the firs one as well, and of course at the end all will be as it was destined to be. The moral of this story is that a man is nothing without a family, and for no reason at all is he supposed to trough that away. You can have all the money and power in the world, but family is the only true thing that makes it all worth it. 

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