
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

London Boulevard (2010)

I love the way William Monahan’s mind transfers on big screen. This English movie is great. Ok, it’s not the newest story, but the group of actors was superb. Keira Knightley and Collin Farell made the movie even more lovable. He just got off a prison, and wants to get it clean this time, a new honest life, without crime involved. As referred to, he starts to work for this female star, constantly by the eyes of paparazzi, which will fall for him, and like every good story they’ll end up together. Although he is trying not to get involved into criminal activity, the criminal activity involves him. Tragic end, or poetic as you will, he ends up murdered by the same kid that he earlier decided to let live. Excellent film, you all, and especially for C.Farell fans.:DD

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