
Sunday, March 13, 2011

An Education

Great English movie, and above all educationalJ) Young girl, very smart one, falls in love with a charming older man, and from being the most promising girl in school, she ends up dropping the school. Suddenly she founds herself in a new adventure, all the great parties, exhibitions, theaters, operas etc. living the very essence of life, the same life as from the books she learns about it. And that sweet taste of the rush of life, it may all seems magical at the time, but eventually that same magic will fall on her head. She will make the biggest mistake of her life when dropping of school, for marriage, and after she realizes there will be no turning back.
Moral story for all the girls, open up your eyes, and don’t forget the real meaning of life…as the women’s greatest asset is an education, and not a fancy clothes, or car….

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