
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Bride Wars (2009)

Two best friends anticipate their own wedding from the age of 7, and been dreaming about it ever since, carefully planning and following the trends. One of them a teacher, quit, always let someone else to lead, and the other, strict, never backs down, determent, leader. Accidentally they both end up with the same date for their wedding, and their problems begin. They start to trick and back stab one another. The quiet one becomes fighter, cruel, and more aware of her submissiveness, which becomes a problem for her fiancée, and the other one, looses her compass, but finds it with her soon husband to be. Everything turns upside and down, and in order for everything to get back to normal, there has to be like in every story, break down, followed by fight between the two best friends on their wedding day, and then realization or admitting of each others fault, repenting for their foolishness. All ends up like it supposed to.   


One of the hideous movies ever! I haven’t seen such a bad film, but this one goes to the charts:)) I dig the story, about finding the beauty from with in, but honestly, who wrote the script?! Who choose the actors?! Horrible producing! I wouldn’t recommend this movie not even to Golden Raspberry award. That is all what I have to say about this “peace of art”. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Love, wedding, marriage

I didn’t like the movie at all! Young successful marriage councilor gets married just before she finds out that her role models, for eternal love, her parents, are getting a divorce! Their sacred marriage wasn’t so sacred after all. She is crushed, tries to reunite her parents, almost losses her new beloved husband. The “curtain of perfection” is off and she is trying to contemplate that. At the end like all American movies all goes well, and fixes, because love conquers all, her mother forgives her fathers infidelity twenty years ago, she reconcile with her prince as well, ad all live happily ever after. :D 

Lauberge Espaniol

Film that shows you a way where ambition can lead you! Young graduate must go to Barcelona, through the program Erasmus, to be able to find the satisfactory job. He leaves his girlfriend home in Paris, (with the thought that he will be back soon and pick up where he left off), and throws into an adventure of his life. As he flies in the plane, crying about leaving everything he loves and knows behind, that there is a moment that he is not aware, a moment of leaving his old life for real behind. He will never be the same again; he can’t or will not go back to his old self ever again. He arrives, meets young couple at the airport that helps him to get on his feet, at the very beginning, when he is lost in the new world that he is momentarily placed. As the film roles, the young Erasmus will blend in, learn the town, language, customs, and they will in a time become not a strange but his own, a part of his new character, a part of who he is, and will become. He will lose his girlfriend naturally, have the affair of his life, party of his life, friends and experience the most bizarre situations; in short he will experience life. After getting back home, it will be impossible to continue as before. His knowledge is eternal, forever and priceless. He is Erasmus till life! 

Monday, October 31, 2011

Ein freund von mir (A friend of mine) – 2006

German film, about a silent and meticulous young man, by the name of Karl, who is given a second job from his boss, just to make him realize how valuable he is. To encourage his ambition of becoming more and wanting to become more in life. There, he meets another man (Hans) that will change his perspective of life. He will become his best friend, and will release him of his own severity. At first Karl will hesitate about this new friendship, but then he’ll accept with arms wide open. They will briefly separate and fight, because of a girl, the same girl that he sees for the first time in a disco, before the second job. He will see he same girl later as his new friend’s girlfriend.  But true friends overcome everything, and they reconcile before he (Hans) gives him (karl) a blessing to go after the woman he loves, in this case Hans’s ex. 

Wild Target

British movie, in British stile (comedy in stile) :D Precise and old school assassin just before his 55-th birthday meets a woman so challenging, that he decides to guard her, instead of obey his clients and kill her. Along the way young man, comes along and becomes his apprentice. The second most wanted assassin, brutal and sadistic prick will come after them, and loose naturally. At the end, the girl (the wild target) will soften his resigned heart and become the mother of his child, the child that’s going to keep the family tradition and name in the future. 

Horrible bosses (2011)

Three best friends are gathering every night in the same bar, and complaining about each others bosses. One of them is a psycho, the other one is a female molester blackmailing her assistant to sleep with her, and the third one is a pure jackass, and a tool. The story culminates when the tree buddies after a horrible and worst day at the job possible, decide to kill their bosses. Comedy increases as they search “guidance” for how to kill them from a black man in a bar. :DD Somehow they unintentionally turn their bosses on each other, at least one of them, the psycho on the tool, and that is the right formula for getting rid of them. The third boss is taken care of sweetly, exactly the way she did on her employ.   

Bunraku (2010)

Group of unsatisfied young people, one samurai and the other cowboy, combine their knowledge of battle and will for revenge against the most vicious leader known to the world. They both are lead by family honor and hunger for righteousness. In a way the red army of Nicola (the vicious leader) reminds me of a battle between the east and west, and the fight for freedom that the capitalist counties always like to emphasize when they talk about “democracy”. So the vicious leader is exactly that, a man who keeps people under his control, a tyrant who suppresses and pours blood, all over the country, who keeps the poor people in fear just to rule. Nicola is also enriched with nine assassins which are obstacles that the two warriors need to vanquish, to get to him. Bartender plays the trigger person, who will join the two warriors together, lead them, and merge them with an army of like-minded rebels. The drifter (one of the revenges) at the end will see that to be able to kill the dark power (Nicola), will have to die himself as well, that, there is no revenge without any losses and consequences. Good always prevails if you have pure heart, at the end.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Step up 2: The Streets

Dancing and moving and inspiring staff, the story is old news, but the vibe of it it’s great. You just want to stand and dance after. Something like the first part (Step Up), smart talented individual that lives in a rough neighborhood gets a chance to study at one of the most prestigious dancing schools in NYC. Naturally the first step was getting in the school, with an explanation that that sort of talent and street dancing (which the eminent professors don’t even count as dance) can be used with hard work to become as the perfection they want to achieve. A dilemma in this young individual mind is growing, should she stay in the hood as faithful member of her dance group, or should she try and make it in the new environment, with new people, new ideas and more subtitle way of dance. She gets cast out, and even expelled from the school, as bed influence. The competition, called “the streets”, on which her ex dancing group is a five time winner in a roll, is the right challenge for her and her new school friends, not only to prove to herself to her ex friends, but also to prove to herself that she can make it all, no matter what. She wins, gets the respect back, and her way to school again. 

Bridesmaids (2011)

Film which transfers the “rising up again” concept, showing us a woman in her late 30-ies, struggling to get her life back around. Her best friend’s engagement and preparation will set her of track a bit, she will have a break down, or as they putted in the movie, she will hit bottom. The fact that she’s supposed to be the main maid of honor will only accelerate her “bottomness”, or recovery. She, after loosing all of her money in cake business and boyfriend at the same time, is barely living a satisfactory life. Her income now is from a job that her mom found for her, which is just to pay rent, her “lover” is a dick which uses her only for his good time, and she knows it, but is just in the faze of accepting her misery. So she keeps hoping that his idiotic behavior is because they agree on some “terms” about their non obligation relationship, and finds it excusable. Moreover there comes long a cute policeman, who finds her great just the way she is, and because of her wrong momentarily perspective of life, drives him away. On top of all that, there is a threat from this other bridesmaid, who is new figure in her bff’s live, to loose the “first” place in the heart of the only stable person that she knows, her now engaged friend. The other woman just drives her crazy, and actually she is the catalyst of her reaching the bottom stage. With all the bridesmaids activities and plannings she, the other woman always wins, partly because she is rich and knows people, and mostly because she is doing it on purpose, to make our heroine look bad. You have to reach lowest point of life, loose your self-esteem and then start again, fresh. You need to get over the changes, and in the process you have to try not to demoralize to the point of not even liking yourself. That's this story, bridesmaids were the one that made her feel bad, but actually they were the ones that made her realize the everyday straggle in live, and acceptance of change during it. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Midnight in Paris 2011

Woody Allen film, and as usual his concept in a characteristic way, draws you to the most essential questions in life. Happiness above all, is the moral to this story. The question that runs till the end is: should we be satisfied with just OK version of our life, or should we try and seek for the love and happiness which we know we deserve?! Midnight in Paris shows exactly that. Through the eyes of Hollywood writer, in love with the city, we see a man who at first is not completely satisfied with his work, and live with an illusion that there was a time in the past (early twenties) where everything was wonderful and charming.  He, one night starts to walk in the city, gets lost, and at midnight somehow travels in his favorite time. There he meets his greatest heroes and inspirations. Not only that, but there, he learns about passion and love, and courage to do what’s in your heart. Most importantly he learns that no time is better then yours, you just have to live it with full lungs, no regrets and wonders how if?!
Pure genius, as always!

Water for elephants

Story about two people driven by fate, who are meant to meet with each other, so that they could fall in love and conquers all obstacles of life. Young man, after loosing his family and his house, joins the circus to be able to survive, as a vet. There is where he meets the girl of his dream, also without any family, but also the wife of the circus manager. He’s been given a chance to work with her, when an elephant is brought in as an attraction to the circus. His job title is a boy that gives water to elephants. The circus manager, who is a vicious man, smells the love between his wife and this young individual and casts him away. Justice was made, by the other workers, who also have a grudge with the manager. They let all of the animals and create a chaos, killing in the process every bad bodyguard there. The young couple fights to be together, poetically after the struggle with her husband, almost loosing her life, the elephant gets to the manager and kills him. 

Chalet girl (2011)

Talented girl needs to find her way back into the world. She finds herself lost, after her mother dies and leaves the only passion which she knows (skateboarding), to help and take care of her father. Money is tight, so she is by pure luck, gets to work in the mountains for very rich folks. Because of her affinity towards skateboarding, she tries to relax on snowboard as well. Romance is developing with the rich son. As in all rise up’s, she gets the slap one more time, just to make her even more strong and decisive about her future and commitment to the one thing she always like, boarding. At the end she gets the rich son and the first price on the snowboarding contest, and with that actually she finds her way back.  ;)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Griff the invisible

Super cool drama! Young man is living imaginary life that he is a super hero, which helps the ones in need. When he’s out there the streets are safe. His mind is so brilliant, that the only person, who is able to see that, is his brother’s new girlfriend, which is a “weirdo” herself. Her ability to make his 6 year old imaginary world even better makes him a stronger man in reality, ready to take risks, and continue with the struggle against evil on the street. And the greatest power of all is to become invisible, what he in his mind succeeds, when the girl shows. She is the missing component to the secret ingredient of invisibility. 

Friends with benefits (2011)

It looks like they made the movie just to promote J.T. and to show his “actor” skills. I guess he is one of Americas multi-talented individuals :)) with every movie he gets better and better, and get bigger and bigger roles :))) Read the title and you don’t need any explanation. I am a fan of easy movies, the ones you can watch with your boyfriend/girlfriend and not involving to much thinking. Man and woman meet, become friends, good company, decide to become sex buddies on accessions, fall in love, of course there is a scene where she gets mad at him, and then he realizes that she was the one all along :DD  a grand come back, involving dancers, honest acknowledgment of his love and stupidity…bla bal babalal…it finishes with hug and kiss scene. I admit, that it is a cute movie, and that I’ve seen worst acting from “professional” actors, so I’ll give it a chance ;)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hall pass (2011)

Same old story, a husband is feeling very unsatisfied and like a robot every day, finds himself wanting to get back at the party days, when all was so easy and happy and without worries. Finally the wife gives him a “hall pass” a week off marriage, to do what ever he wants to. Having so, he will realize that it’s just isn’t his time to go wild, and party all night long, those days were great, but now other things are more important and worth more than the craziest party ever, a family. On the other hand, while he was trying to experiment, he could almost loose his wife. It is however recommendable for middle-aged fathers, whose having a second puberty, just to remind them what the stakes are for wanting to be “young” again.

Terri (2011)

This movie is drama that captures a difficult teenage life and his choices to a way to make it better.  Overweight boy of 15-16 years old, by the name of Terri is left to the care of sick uncle, who’s on occasions fine, and on others needs to be taken care like a baby, is on the verge of snapping form all the circumstances that he lives in. He’s indifference to every day activity, wearing pajamas in school, being late all the time, or not coming at all, will make the principal to connect with him on a much deeper level, making him his best friend, and a rise him up to the task of becoming aware of his qualities, his goodness and humanity. That man (the principal) through his actions and deeds will make him (Terri) understand, that helping others will also at some point help him as well, heal him too. He picks up this attitude and the results from being there and helping a friend are faster then expected. In a short period, from invisible and wired he’s now a good friend and support.
Basically, the message is never to give up on anybody, always try to find the right key to reach out for the kids, and getting the wanted result. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Something borrowed

So a grown woman, instead of getting her love, because of her insecurity, pushes him into the arms of her best friend. And just before marriage occurs, they admit their actual love for each other and compatibility from day one. There is a struggle between her loyalty for her best friend, and for herself at the same time. Eventually her love transfers to the fact that her friend is not good enough for the man of her dreams and that makes the decision on her behave. What is the point?! Get you’re man even if you kind off matched him earlier with your best friend..:))) The title refers to borrowing her love for some years, until it grows to the point of irreversibility and then get it back. Not my favorite film. 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Bad Teacher

This is in a rate above 5 on imdb - comedy, with the beautiful Cameron. Exactly the type of movies she is best seen in. Teacher who main target is to become wife of rich man, or becoming rich her self in a second, not bothering about kid’s education at all. Learning that reward is pretty big on dollars for the highest score of AST test, she will reorganize and will start to pay attention to the kid’s education. No matter what the cause was originally, she will understand her mistake and recover from that state of mind, learning that the true happiness lies not in money, but in love, for teaching and of course for a the only smart colleague who matches her brain. I loved the “I don’t care” moments, which makes the film even more comic. 

Sucker Punch

Personally I didn’t like it very much. Story is good, transformation is even better, but somehow it’s just like too much technique and technology and not much charisma. Girl by the name (Baby Doll) was send to mental institution, where she gathers the group of followers to help her escape. She was provoked by the injustice that her stepfather did to her, and by the bad personal that was working in the institution.  The film transforms from mental intuition to a whore house in her mind, and all the patients as entertainment with their own show. Baby Doll becomes their savior, and master mind of the all operation, which dies at the end. The group succeeds to mange an escape at the end to their member Sweet Pea. CGI makes even bigger effect to the transformation, but...

X-man First Class

The beginning of the X-man movies, I like that they gave a “how it all started” version of the X-man. I am a sucker for good Sci-Fi, this is one of those. I enjoyed it every second of it, especially the fact that the producer opened a door, to a whole new series of sequels to be made after. Charles Xavier’s and Magneto’s friendship was established as one of the strongest links, in cause against Sebastian Shaw, in acknowledgment for the government, where as an idea the X-man school was born. But when all things come towards the end, Magneto starts to see Shaw’s way of thinking as a better alternative; mutants unite against normal humans, and not as their protectors. That is when they separate from each other and become from that moment on biggest rivals that the man kind is yet to see. Xavier couldn’t heal Erik Lehnsherr’s (Magneto’s known name at that time) heart, from all the bad things that happened to him while he was a boy in Nazi’s camp, the very place where he meets for the firs time Shaw. That’s why as the time passes his vengeance grows, and later when he meets Xavier he decides to join his group of extraordinary people just to get closer to the man he yearns to kill. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

The ugly truth (2009)

Typical chic movie! Not much of acting, but it will do when you don’t have anything better to do. Comic scenes are natural for romantic movie such as this. He enters to get the ratings in the TV station, as a love guru, and she as a single dedicated director of that show, at first skeptic, but then in search for the right man for her, using his advise. Someway on the way, they connect and develop passion and love for each other. 

Love me if you dare (Jeux d'enfants)

All the European movies are some how more artistically shown, this one is not exception. I find the story a bit not realistic, but believable at the same time. Showing the everlasting passion and Love of two people who were there for each other ever since they were kids. The “dare game” makes it even more adorable, and somehow infantile and makes you expect the cohesion to occur at the end, witch it did, and at the most poetic way possible. The two souls even thou always in love with each other, they never seems to find the right time to actually be together, to be one. At the very end, the poetic that I mentioned, they cement themselves to preserve their Love.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Excellent animation about blue macaw, which will fulfill his tradition, and obligation as a parrot that should be in the firs place, and not some Minnesota home bird which didn’t had the time to learn to fly. Taken to Rio, as the only male specimen just to obtain the blood line of that beautiful specie, he will actually reconnect with his home again and find true love. New friends and danger will also make him realize that he is a bird that can fly, and that acceptance will make him a real flying parrot. Compliments to the details of graphics, hear especially. 

Rango (2011)

Animation witch is great to watch, the graphics is great, and all elements are carefully thought true. Western stile animation with bugs and lizards involved, and that puts the story on the top charts. Chameleon, who gives himself a name Rango, a liar who accidentally gets sheriff’s badge and helps the city called Dirt, to see through the lie of its mayor, and bring their salvation, the water, finally getting the epithet hero. This time for real! Stages of acknowledgment for its own nothingness are processing, only to rise up as a true “gentlelizard” and savior of Dirt, fighting the most vicious criminals, using his brain. 

Heatbreaker (2010)

French romantic comedy, with excellent shoots and artistic touch, about a handsome couple’s breaker, who on his mission falls in love with his mark. Relaxing movie, great cast, cute story. Alex Lippi is hired to break down a wedding, in just four weeks. Doing so, because of the difficulty of the mark, a women by the name of Juliette Van Der Becq, he is forced to go beyond limits, do out of ordinary ways of seduction, and someway on that mission he falls in love in the girl. Like all romantic comedies this is not an exception, she finds out, he refuses the money, than she finds that out to, call the wedding off, and runs to find her true love. They meet half way, bout running toward each other, one from the wedding, the other to the wedding, hugging and kissing, they put an end to the movie. 

The Adjustment Biro (2011)

You have to love the ultimate spiritus movens, love. The true power witch drives as all to fight. Relinquish all for in the name of love, even if that means never to be with that person again. At the end, it all comes down to how much are you willing to sacrifice for the one that you love, the one that completes you?! This film, transfers this message, through si-fi biro, (people with heats), which is set on the way of “adjusting” the way “destiny” is supposed to be. Fixing the life of two people who are obviously maid for each other, not to be together, for the “greater” good, because it was not in the plan! Only to be powerless, the Biro I mean, when they, the couple sacrifice their own life for each other’s.    

Friday, June 17, 2011

Paul (2011)

Si-fi comedy, about the pop culture icon “alien”, seen true the eyes of two English comic writers, who are on the journey of their life via USA J on that road trip, they met the real alien Paul, who is completely not what it seems. Speaks English, naturally, smokes weed every day, curses, changes opinion to strict religious girls by showing them what “really happened”, etc….in one word, normal. While running from the bad FBI, he Paul shows the two Englishman the way of success. Relaxing film.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Eat Pray Love

A story about a woman, who is taking a trip around the world, trip of her life, of finding herself. On that trip she learns to enjoy life as it is the basic elements of how to be happy. First through food, the all ritual of dining and enjoying with friends, relaxing and not worrying about the next day, just the moment with the people you’re with. Second, the way of forgiving yourself through praying, the actual sense of the pray, learning and accepting your mistakes and moving on. And the third, and most important element of all, Love. To find a way, and the how, to love with all your being, and with all that flame inside your soul. It’s a message for all people, how to live life at its full potential, without thinking and moralizing to much. You don’t have to go around the world, to find happiness, you just have to let go, and turn around. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

True Grit (2010)

An old story, a remake actually, to tell you the truth I haven’t seen the original, but this version is awesome. Especially the acting, wonderful! From Bridges, this is the main character, through the essential character of the film, H. Steinfield. Young girl, who undertake the burden of revenging her father, by paying the notorious bounty hunter, to kill the man involved into her father's murder, indulges into adventure of her life. Stubborn as she is, she decides to go with him and a young marshal on that capture. On that trip, a life time friendship occurs, cold man’s heart soften, and near death experience outlived. This is a must see movie! Great performance!  

Just go with it (2011)

Romantic comedy, with great group of actors, the idea is little surreal, but however catchy. Revelation in young doctors mind about how to gain woman and never attaches to any of them, after hearing his almost future wife confession of adultery. Twenty years later, now confident plastic sergeant, still single with the same story, about being married and having marital problems, and with the only person knowing, all his schemes, his assistant, which will be at some point his best wingman (wing-women). He finally meets person with whom he want to spend the rest of his life, but because of the wedding ring, he is again put in the situation of lying about being married, involving his divorced assistant with two kids into the big lye. There is a trip to Hawaii involved where instead of making things easier for him to get the girl, without becoming the assholl with the stupid story, he feels in love with his assistant. Comic scenes are all over the movie, with makes it even more loveable to watch. :D   

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Last night 2010

Very good idea, especially the fact, that one female hunch sets things in motion, and the end, ohh you’re going to love it. Married couple finds themselves on a party, where the wife senses the chemistry between her husband and his coworker. She pointes it out, and the very next day, he goes on a business trip with the same coworker, and the wife stays at home, where she meets her ex flame from France, with whom she spends the entire evening, without adultery, because she truly believes that her husband will never do what her mind predicted last night. The husband on the other hand, was provoked by his wife’s idea, which was right, even though struggling all night long, eventually his “just a men” side prevails, and he sleeps with the sexy female colleague. The morning comes, and the wife comes home, leaving her sexy shoes right on the dining room floor. The husband flies back home, immediately, field with guilt. The meeting point was poetic, he enters the door, looks at his wife, which is crying, they hug, they both apologize for their behavior, and lye to each other, and then he notice’s the shoes….

Friday, May 27, 2011

Morning Glory 2010

Cute and funny movie! Hardworking girl, a television producer, instead of being promoted is getting fired, from the only job that she knows and truly has passion for it. That’s when the movie begins. She founds executive job in a morning show, which is collapsing, assemble a team, very bold team. So the task not only to prove that she knows what she’s doing better then some four year university degree people, but to save the show as well, in short time, make it even one of the top watched, and get the ratings good to stay on the air. She pulls it off, creates a happy and enjoyable environment for all the staff, and manages to soften and reach through the “third worst person in the world”, cranky old reporter, her childhood hero Mike Pomeroy. Naturally she even fined herself a boyfriend who is not bothered by her work. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Other Guys (2010)

Film starts with two bad MF cops, for whom every other cop in the unit will do anything just to spend some time with them, even write their report, suddenly both of them together while chasing criminal, jump of a building. The “Other Guys” which are the most awkward couple partners, will then along with every other cop tries to fill in their shoes. The Other guys’ team is Terry Hoitz (Mark Wahlberg), versatile and very talented detective who didn’t have a chance to prove his potential, and Allen Gamble (Will Farrell) who is annoying and above all a chick magnet. In the battle of who solves the case, they learn to love each other and stand each others gats. Comic scenes, which makes the movie great to watch again.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Kick Ass 2010

This teenage wanna be hero film, and it’s good for the eye. It shows the idealistic look of every unknown teenager, who is trying to be noticed and acknowledged from the surrounding. Playing hero he find himself in a company of a real masked avengers, who accidentally are at the same place as he, busting the same scam mob figure. Adventure, Sci-fi and watch-able one ;) 
And he gets the high school bonbon, with his wrongly thought gayness.


Hot time tub machine 2010

It’s what you call an easy movie, the sort of movie you can watch to relax and chill in front of the TV. Old and forgotten friends decide to go back to their youth retreat, where they used to have the best time of life, after a “suicide” attempt of one of them. The used to be awesome fun place is now a dump, but since they got here they decide to stay and have a bath in the tub like they used to. The tub is actually a time machine, and in the morning they realize that they are back in the 80-s. That’s when the fun begins. They now see their youth mistakes and try to make them better without making any different moves so that they wouldn’t screw anything up. It’s actually a way of the directors moment of capturing the “what if” I had another chance in life. 

Diner for Schmucks

Did they really spend money on this?! The moronic and idiotic behavior of a man who dresses up mice, was waste of time and track: DD
A company policy, so that u can get a promotion, will happen if a man gets the biggest idiot to diner. And such a men, honest, with great fiance who wants a promotion , because he’s ambitious and that’s the next step in his life, marriage and promotion, will suddenly find that perfect idiot, who will mess his life at first, and then naturally like a hero save as well. There are funny moments, but mostly pathetic ones.  

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Fighter (2010)

Story based on a true story. Excellent performance on Christian Bale, who plays the crack addict used to be a fighter brother, who at the same time is the soul of the family, while Mark W, playing Micky Word is the talented and always in his bigger brother’s shadow. Trapped between the way of success and his family Micky is trying to get the sense of what’s right and doing the right decision. A girl or love is on his path, which is great and refreshing for a change. That means that for some time his mind will function differently and because of her will. He gets a break while his brother is in jail, and gets fast start, but family is family and eventually he will need his brother by his side, sober and ready to train him as it should be. The girl will make her peace with the family and the brother, because true love means compromising and I mean from the both sides, the girl’s and the families side.    

The Warrior's way (2010)

An assassin decides to go on a different way, because a little baby girl from the enemy clan, softens his cold warrior hart. Doing so, he became the object of the death list, a priority above all, to his own clan. The people that he served and obey now are against him and in pursuit for his head. He puts his sword and knifes away, and leaves for America, in a small town of population of 50 something, an abundant circus people in the middle of nowhere, who have a problem of their own. The warrior there learns to live, love, and cherish everyday life. Naturally the reform assassin will reveal his skills to a girl and help, and by helping he will show his clan a way to find him. He ends up leaving the baby in the girl's hands, and walking away for her protection. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Leap Year

Romantic Comedy, which is my favorite genre. This movie shows precise and strict girl in all aspects of her life, except when it’s a matter of her boyfriend the promising doctor marriage proposal. She decides to go and surprise him in Ireland where he’s been invited on doctors’ convention so that she would propose him, and continue the family tradition that’s been past on since her grandmother. And the reason she decides to do that is because it’s a leap year, and only on that very special day 29-th of February would she is able to that. Normally there is a storm, and she ends up in a godforsaken place in Ireland, where she meets Declan with whom she feels in love at the end. Sweet and comic moments, great landscapes, for those of you who are romantic in souls, this is the film for U.:)